Dear Designer,
We welcome you to help us make
что такое код the Annual Festival of Trees the best ever! This two-day event is
held after Thanksgiving Day on Fridayv and Saturday at the Exhibit Hall at
the Garrett County Fairgrounds. Your creation will be enjoyed by at least 2,000 visitors to this popular
holiday event. Your creative designs are judged by three members of the Garrett County Arts Council and prize
ribbons are awarded by them on Wednesday at 6pm before Thanksgiving Day.
We conclude this year's event with the
Grand Finale Live Auction
for the sale of these designer exhibits at 6p.m. on Saturday evening. We encourage designers to attend! You receive
two free passes to the Festival that include the 6pm Saturday auction. Take a photo of you and your entry. Encourage
your friends, family and co-workers to attend to see your exhibit. All proceeds from The Festival of Trees benefit
the Dove Center, Garrett County’s domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and resource center. Your support for
this important cause is greatly appreciated.
Also, we encourage you to take photos of your work-in-progress and submit for publicity prior to the event. This is a
wonderful promotion opportunity to build Festival of Trees interest and for your organization or business! You can email
photos to Sherry for PR placement, along with a few words about it. This can be a photo of your designer(s) with holiday
decorating items and/or work in progress. A placement each week in the newspaper and posted online will start in October.
The designer showcase of beautifully created trees, wreaths, centerpieces, and gingerbread structure showcases are the
heart of the Festival of Trees! We look forward to working with you to create a spectacular and fun family holiday event!
Yours truly,
Please click on the INSTRUCTIONS and AGREEMENT for your category at the top of this page.
Tax deduction forms are available upon request.